I should note that when I submit these to the monthly newsletter that they are my personal observations. I also should note that AI has offered to write them for me but so far I am resisting. With these disclaimers I submit the following.
1, Rocky Start to 2025. I went back and looked at my February 2024 submittal and it is sort of like the movie Groundhog Day. January 2025 repeated January 2024: snow and ice; questions about snow and ice removal, quality of work by snow removal contractor, freezing weather and pipes, attic condensation etc. YES, after the 4th largest single day snow in KC History following a layer of ice, things were not smooth; long stretch of below freezing temperatures did not help. Multiple telephone calls, emails, contact forms as to your frustrations and the Board fully understands the disruption to routines, Talked to and continue to talk to the snow contractor as to various issues to diminish future issues. As a side note, several residents reported sightings of coyotes and foxes loving the trail and our area in the snow so be protective of your dogs.
2. Positive things in January. Ryan Tree completed its winter discount work on the west tree line (Olathe City Grant for half of it) and on the north side of the community except for any additional tree debris removal after the snow melts.
We are working on compliance with the new Johnson County Aquatic Code for the pool area (208 pages) which includes the need for new signage in the pool and updated First Aid cabinet in the hallway in the clubhouse. Thanks, MLJ for work on this. Also, there is a new exhaust fan in the men’s bathroom. Thank you, Rick and Andy. A REMINDER: IF YOU USE THE CLUBROOM, PLEASE CLEAN THE TABLES, SINK, AND COUNTERTOPS, AND VACUUM (WITH THE ONE OF TWO AVAILABLE VACCUUMS) THE FLOOR. MAKES IT MUCH MORE USABLE FOR THE MANY GOOD ACTIVITIES BY THE COMMUNITY IN THE CLUBROOM.
Many of you received a mailing on a Neighborhood Meeting required by the City of Olathe Planning Process for additional warehouse/office space like what is there now on Mahaffie west of buildings 14, 15, and 16 property line. About 10 of us attended, concerned that this might be an extension south of Brentwood Apartments and north of building 17, but that apparently is for another day. February 1, 2025
DUES PAYMENTS, I was very encouraged that most members have worked through the process of increasing their payments to $375/month effective January 1, 2025. If you have issues in making the change in order to avoid late fees (payments due the 15th of each month), please contact Centennial for assistance.
Quiet Railroad Zone. Back in 2022, George Drake had a letter exchange with the City of Olathe City Manager about the need for an extension of quiet railroad zone west of our community. A railroad quiet zone is a designated section of railroad that includes one or more consecutive public grade crossings in which trains are not required to sound their horns (like at 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. when the coal trains go south) George was advised at the time such a quiet zone was part of the long-term plan for the City. In February, the City Commission approved work on a quiet zone from the railroad crossing at Dennis Avenue through the crossing at 159th. Design and permitting scheduled for 2025 with construction in 2026. Cost for the City $3.4M. On that positive note, we go into hopefully a less disruptive February.
Submitted by Bill Seiler, President, The Villas of Asbury HOA
I should note that when I submit these to the monthly newsletter that they are my personal observations. I also should note that AI has offered to write them for me but so far I am resisting. With these disclaimers I submit the following.
1, Rocky Start to 2025. I went back and looked at my February 2024 submittal and it is sort of like the movie Groundhog Day. January 2025 repeated January 2024: snow and ice; questions about snow and ice removal, quality of work by snow removal contractor, freezing weather and pipes, attic condensation etc. YES, after the 4th largest single day snow in KC History following a layer of ice, things were not smooth; long stretch of below freezing temperatures did not help. Multiple telephone calls, emails, contact forms as to your frustrations and the Board fully understands the disruption to routines, Talked to and continue to talk to the snow contractor as to various issues to diminish future issues. As a side note, several residents reported sightings of coyotes and foxes loving the trail and our area in the snow so be protective of your dogs.
2. Positive things in January. Ryan Tree completed its winter discount work on the west tree line (Olathe City Grant for half of it) and on the north side of the community except for any additional tree debris removal after the snow melts.
We are working on compliance with the new Johnson County Aquatic Code for the pool area (208 pages) which includes the need for new signage in the pool and updated First Aid cabinet in the hallway in the clubhouse. Thanks, MLJ for work on this. Also, there is a new exhaust fan in the men’s bathroom. Thank you, Rick and Andy. A REMINDER: IF YOU USE THE CLUBROOM, PLEASE CLEAN THE TABLES, SINK, AND COUNTERTOPS, AND VACUUM (WITH THE ONE OF TWO AVAILABLE VACCUUMS) THE FLOOR. MAKES IT MUCH MORE USABLE FOR THE MANY GOOD ACTIVITIES BY THE COMMUNITY IN THE CLUBROOM.
Many of you received a mailing on a Neighborhood Meeting required by the City of Olathe Planning Process for additional warehouse/office space like what is there now on Mahaffie west of buildings 14, 15, and 16 property line. About 10 of us attended, concerned that this might be an extension south of Brentwood Apartments and north of building 17, but that apparently is for another day. February 1, 2025
DUES PAYMENTS, I was very encouraged that most members have worked through the process of increasing their payments to $375/month effective January 1, 2025. If you have issues in making the change in order to avoid late fees (payments due the 15th of each month), please contact Centennial for assistance.
Quiet Railroad Zone. Back in 2022, George Drake had a letter exchange with the City of Olathe City Manager about the need for an extension of quiet railroad zone west of our community. A railroad quiet zone is a designated section of railroad that includes one or more consecutive public grade crossings in which trains are not required to sound their horns (like at 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. when the coal trains go south) George was advised at the time such a quiet zone was part of the long-term plan for the City. In February, the City Commission approved work on a quiet zone from the railroad crossing at Dennis Avenue through the crossing at 159th. Design and permitting scheduled for 2025 with construction in 2026. Cost for the City $3.4M. On that positive note, we go into hopefully a less disruptive February.
Submitted by Bill Seiler, President, The Villas of Asbury HOA