Following the neighborhood meeting on 12/30 with the developer, persons who are interested in following the process and their rights might wish to visit the internet sites on the process, There also will be required mailings (but not as broad as the original) under the required process. The first website is the Olathe Planning Commission. That website includes an agenda and the packet provided by the City Planning Office for the meeting. Normally the packets are posted on the Friday before the meeting. There is a period for written comments. Meetings are normally every two weeks on Monday evening.. In addition, any project is subject to the Olathe Unified Development Ordinance which also is on the internet. The developer will have to obtain a rezoning (which as I understand it requires city commission approval) and planning approval as to the plat. . Persons with concerns should follow the process and provide their written comments, to include to their city commissioner.who has a vote on the rezoning. The same procedures applied to plat approval for Pinnacle Construction and will apply if the property east of Bentwood on the south side of the property is developed..